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Modern-Day-Proofable childcare solutions for your team

öogo solves childcare gaps and challenges for the Working Parents on your team, helping you with the "S" in ESG and to build an inclusive workforce.

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Foward-thinking organisations trust öogo

Dogpatch Labs

Childcare now firmly on the corporate agenda

The cost of the child care crisis is making parental benefits the top issue for over 50% of companies.

“For parents in the workforce, access to child care can be the make or break benefit when deciding to take on a job or not. Companies worried about the added cost of having this employee benefit shouldn’t be – because new research shows it pays for itself.”
- Tech:NYC
of Working Parents meet the criteria for Burnout.

- NYT 2023

of companies said that childcare benefits are their most pressing issue in 2024

- Fortune.com 2024

companies are seeing a positive ROI on childcare benefits, up to 425%

- Moms First & BCG

of parents say childcare challenges regularly impact their ability to do their job

- öogo survey of 1,000 parents

of those who left jobs cited inability to find childcare as a reason they quit

- Fortune.com 2024

öogo Insights

Many company leaders underestimate the impact childcare challenges are having on their workforce. Tell öogo how many employees you have and learn the likely impacts within your organisation.

öogo Calculator

Enter your staff numbers here to get insights


Number of parents in an organisation


Number of parents who say childcare stress impacts their ability to do their job regularly


Number of parents who would take a pay cut to work somewhere family friendly


Number of parents who meet the criteria for Burnout


Number of parents who need flexible childcare


Cost of replacing parents who leave on reduced hours

öogo has the answer

We don’t just “support” Working Parents going through the Juggle Struggle, we SOLVE their Number #1 Problem - Childcare!

öogo's unique approach to solving the childcare crisis is simple:

8 Layers of Childcare

We use 8 Layers of Childcare (everything from Regular Minders™ to Occasional Minders™ and Back Up Minders™ to Maternity Nurses).

Clusters of Care

With öogo Working Parents can build Clusters of Care from our carefully curated Community of Minders™ ahead of time.

Meaningful Matches™

With our Meaningful Matches™ Tech Parents can find their Right-Fit Childcare every time (because the kids are worth it ... most of the time).


With access to our Support Centre, Parents and Minders™ have all the support they need from compliance to legal.

8 Layers of Childcare

4 every stage of parenting

Regular Minders™
Back Up Minders™
Occasional Minders™
Creche & Daycare Places
Pregnancy & Birth (Multiple Layers)
Overnight Minders™
Activities & Camps
Online & In-person Tutors

Parents cannot work without childcare

Parents cannot work without childcare

“Childcare is becoming a strategic advantage for employers.”- Harvard Business Review

Build an Inclusive workforce

öogo helps you relieve the stresses and strains of the Working Parents in your team. As a result, you build a more inclusive and empathetic workforce.

Increase workplace productivity

öogo boosts productivity. When your team feels supported it leads them to feel more focused, engaged and motivated to do their best.

Boost your talent retention

Recognizing and supporting the needs of Working Parents goes a long way in retaining valuable talent. öogo helps you put their well-being first, encouraging loyalty and reducing turnover.

Turn the "S" in ESG into a Superpower

Turn the "S" in ESG into a Superpower

öogo helps you with the "S" in your ESG by providing meaningful metrics around:


Equality at work

Helping women reach their full potential at work. We are losing women from the workforce in greater numbers than at any other point in history and over 80% of them cite childcare challenges as a top reason.

Wellness at work

Parents are facing childcare gaps and challenges on a weekly basis. Don't just be understanding about these stresses. Solve the problem.

Inclusive workforce

Inclusivity is built on empathy. Most non-parents judge frazzled working parents (we've all done it). Building awareness around the struggles working parents face paves the way for a more inclusive workforce.

Vendor Credibility

öogo places Minders™ at the heart of everything we do. This often invisible and undervalued sector of society provides one of the most important roles. öogo empowers Minders™ to build careers and businesses so they can be their best self, thus creating Waterfalls of Happiness. Happy Minders™ = Happy Children = Happy Parents = Happy Employers and Teammates.

Silver Economy Empowerment

One of the core layers of childcare offered by öogo is Back Up Minder™ cover for those emergency days that just keep coming. This care is often offered by grandparents who are keen to help young families in the locality. Inter-generational connectivity benefits the entire community, young and old alike.


öogo allows Parents to build Clusters of Childcare made up of many different people throughout their Community who all have varying degrees of availability. öogo Parents can build these Clusters of Childcare ahead of time.

Happy öogo Users

Carousel AvatarSorcha Mulligan
Venture Partner - FinTech
“Without the amazing childcare facilities and team from öogo I would not have been there-one more empty seat where a Mum should have been.”
Carousel AvatarLia Boyland - CEO and Co-Founder
Talent Shake
“Thanks to the öogo team, I was able to attend an event that I usually wouldn't have been able to as a founder and mom with a 4-year-old and a 7-month-old baby. It's not that childcare isn't available; it's because I don't want to leave my baby for a full day yet.”
Carousel AvatarSharon O'Buachalla - CEO
LeasePlan Ireland
“We found öogo to be professional, innovative, and simple (in a good way) in their delivery. There was very little for us to do. They even produced the copy for us to approve for internal communications.”
Carousel AvatarJaime, Head of Engineering
“We were really struggling until we were able to solve our problems with öogo’s support.”
Carousel AvatarSite Lead
“We engaged öogo because we had just lost a very strategic senior hire after a long recruitment process to childcare challenges. Since the appointment we have found öogo consistently goes above and beyond.”
Carousel AvatarNiamh, Engineering Manager
“öogo gave me back time with my family.”


öogo Perk

€15 p/month

per Family

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Key Features:

  • Survey
    • Data (Wellness, Retention, Equality)
    • Analysis
  • Support
    • Legal
    • Tax
    • Insurance

öogo Interactive

€30 p/month

per Family

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Everything in Perk, and:

  • Parents' Sessions
    • Back-to-work Coaching
    • Sleep Experts
    • Safety
    • Maternity Nurse
  • Children' Sessions
    • Tutors
    • Activities

öogo Club

€150 p/month

per Family

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Everything in Interactive, and:

  • Source Childcare
    • Au Pair
    • Nanny
    • Regular Minder™
    • Occasional Minder™
    • Crèche
  • Additional Supports
    • New Baby Packages
    • Return to Work Packages

Discuss Modern-Day-Proofable childcare solutions for your team

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